


I’m Thirsty


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I’m Thirsty

Jesus knew that everything was now finished, and to fulfill the Scriptures he said, “I am thirsty.” John 19:28


One of the women who lingered at the foot of the cross had once known thirst that ordinary water couldn’t quench. She had been an outcast among her peers, and there was no place in society for someone like her. She had a great need, and nothing could fill the emptiness, the void within her. Then came the day when she met Jesus. Although her accusers had already given up on her and would readily have stoned her, Jesus saw her need, and rather than give up on her, he faced her accusers and saved not only her life but her soul as well. From that moment forward, Mary Magdalene was a devoted disciple of Christ, following him even to the foot of a brutal cross. When Jesus cried out in thirst, the soldiers mistook it for weakness of the flesh and thrust sour wine to his lips. What they didn’t comprehend is that Jesus’ words were a declaration of his completion of his Father’s work. He was thirsty because he was being poured out as an offering, not only for the grateful woman who knelt at his feet but also for generations of people to come.

JESUS, you poured out your life like an offering and gave me living water that saved and restored my soul. Help me to take that same living water and extend it to those around me who are thirsty. Please use me to reach out to the abandoned, the scorned, the unlovable, with your sacrificial love.

I have a great need for Christ, I have a great Christ for my need.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834–1892)

The One Year Bible Readings for today are: 2 Samuel 17:1-29; John 19:23-42; Psalm 119:129-152 and Proverbs 16:12-13.

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