
God Sustains You Through Rough Times

God Sustains You Through Rough Times

Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.
Isaiah 46:4

What can we learn from that white-haired couple celebrating their sixtieth wedding anniversary? How about selflessness and commitment? Or forgiveness and stubborn, God-honoring tenacity?


Those are the obvious lessons. But there’s a deeper mystery at work here too. Behind the tender devotion of these two octogenarians we catch a glimpse of the Author of love. God is the one who made them. Ask them. They’ll tell you. In the rough and stormy times of life when they had nothing left, it was the Lord who sustained them and provided for them.

The same God who brought Israel out of foreign exile is the same God who pledges to care for you today and carry you all your days.

• I will always be your God.

• I made you.

• I will care for you.

• I will carry you through hard times.

God, you are always with me. No matter what, I have the assurance that you are near. I cannot flee from your presence, not even if I want to. You are my maker and caretaker—the one who saves and sustains me.

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