
God Will Humble The Proud And Exalt The Humble

God Will Humble The Proud And Exalt The Humble

He gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says: “God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.”
James 4:6

What important person do you know whose cell phone doesn’t ring constantly? What powerful individual have you ever heard of who has an empty appointment book or blank calendar?


No, the fact of the matter is that almost all prominent people lead hectic lives. They are sought out, consulted, included and invited—all the things that most of us aspire to be.

The result is that if we are not careful, our desires to achieve and acquire, to do more and have more than others—in short, to be successful and in demand—can seduce us to embrace a lifestyle of busyness.

This is nothing more than human pride—a quality that provokes God’s displeasure. It is far better for us to seek out a life that goes against the flow than to let pride rule us.

• I oppose the proud.

• I show favor to the humble.

Lord, keep me from exalting myself, from being full of myself and thinking myself better than or more important than others. You show favor to the humble. Help me not to worry about keeping up with my friends and family.

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