
God Pledges To Train You

God Pledges To Train You

Do not make light of the Lord’s discipline, and do not lose heart when he rebukes you, because the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and he chastens everyone he accepts as his son.
Hebrews 12:5-6

Does God “punish” us? If we define “punishment” as making us pay for the wrongs we’ve committed, then the answer is a resounding “no!”


The Bible records how our ancestors inexplicably rebelled against God (see Genesis 3). Divine justice called for a death sentence for all sinful humanity. Jesus, however, endured the very punishment we deserved. At the cross he took our place. Now, with sin paid for, reconciliation with God is possible. When we trust in Christ, we receive a full pardon and become part of God’s family.

As members of God’s forever family we don’t have to fear punishment, but we are subject to “discipline.” Discipline is the corrective action a parent uses to train a child in the right way to go. Discipline is never pleasant, but it is a vivid reminder of God’s love. He cares too much to let his children move in destructive directions.

• I discipline you because you are my child and I love you.

Lord, your discipline is a sign of your love. Help me to have the wisdom to turn away from evil before I have to face stern corrective measures. I don’t want to dishonor you or suffer needlessly. Thank you for being a loving Father.

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