
God Is Your Source

God Is Your Source

Wealth and honor come from you; you are the ruler of all things. In your hands are strength and power to exalt and give strength to all.
1 Chronicles 29:12

There are occasions in life when all our busy labors pay off. The business deal or special event comes together perfectly. A boss notices our hard work, and we get a promotion or a raise. We’re able to purchase something that we’ve worked hard for. These are wonderful moments—wonderful and dangerous. To what or whom will we attribute our success?

At the end of his reign, David commissioned a national offering for the soon-to-be-built temple. The people’s response was overwhelming. Looking at the lavish gifts of silver, gold and precious gems, David stood before the people and praised God. The great Hebrew king recognized the same truth we read in the New Testament “Every good and perfect gift is from above” (James 1:17).

• I rule over everything.

• I am the source of all riches and honor.

• I possess all power and might.

• I give strength and make great.

God you are in control of all things. Help me remember that you rule the universe and my life. You are the source of all good things—wealth, power and honor. What do I have, Lord, that I did not receive from you?


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