
The Lord Will One Day Be With Us

The Lord Will One Day Be With Us

And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God.”
Revelation 21:3

What must it have been like for Adam and Eve to glimpse Eden that final time? Because of their foolish rebellion against God the world had fallen under a great curse. Innocence was lost. Perfection was ruined. Worst of all, their opportunity to live in God’s actual presence (see Genesis 3:8,22-24) was long gone. They would spend the rest of their lives remembering what was … and what could have been.

From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible tells the epic story of all God did to reverse Adam’s curse and to restore all things.

In Isaiah 7:14, we find the curious promise of Immanuel (which means “God with us”). In John 1:14 we read about Jesus Christ, the eternal Word of God, who came and “made his dwelling among us” so that, in Peter’s words, Christ could “bring [us] to God” (1 Peter 3:18).

In Revelation 21, we see the culmination of this divine rescue mission. A holy God once again dwelling with and among sinful but redeemed people. It’s a face-to-face relationship (see verse 4). Revelation 22 goes on to describe a place very much like a garden.

Remember that when God seems far away.

• As a believer in my Son Jesus, you are destined to live with me forever.

• You are one of my people. I am your God.

Lord, despite the promise that you are always with me, sometimes I can’t sense your presence. Encourage me and sustain me with the promise that one day I will see you face-to-face. I will dwell with you forever!


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