
God Is Slowly Changing You

God Is Slowly Changing You

Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
Philippians 1:6

Busyness not only rears its head in our personal lives and careers, it is also evident in our approach to the spiritual life.

Personal quiet times, small group gatherings, worship services, short-term mission trips, special seminars and conferences, outreach events, prayer meetings, church ministry obligations—the list of “good” activities is long—and exhausting! Some eager-to-grow followers of Christ try to do it all. They attend every church function. They serve on every committee.

Inevitably these well-meaning believers experience deep disappointment. Despite their faithful efforts to change by plunging into a whirlwind of religious activity, they find they still struggle with sinful desires and old habit patterns. They are learning a crucial lesson: Spiritual busyness is not the way to holiness.

God will patiently change us in his way and according to his timetable. We can relax. God is at work.

• I have begun a good work in you.

• I will continue my good work in you.

• I will complete my good work in you.

O God, I praise you for your great salvation! You not only took away my sin, but you gave me a new nature that longs to please you. I’m glad you do not give up on me. Continue your work in me, Lord. I look forward to the day when your work is complete.


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