
God Has Saved You From Eternal Death

God Has Saved You From Eternal Death

He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?
Romans 8:32

Whatever storm clouds are in your life right now, there was a time when you were facing an even greater crisis.


You were an enemy of God. Spiritually speaking you were on death row, having been rightly convicted of high crimes against the King of the universe (see Romans 6:23). But God did a shocking thing. He put his one and only Son to death in your place. Jesus took your punishment, and then, perfect justice satisfied, offered you a full, eternal pardon. More than that, God even offered to adopt you into his family so that you could share all his riches.

The point is this: If God willingly helped us out of our nightmarish predicament, does it make sense that he would allow lesser troubles to destroy us?

• I chose you.

• I gave you right standing with myself.

• I will give you my glory.

Lord, you have chosen me and called me to yourself. I do not understand such love, such grace. But I praise you. Thank you for saving me from sin. You declare me righteous solely because of what Christ has done on my behalf. If you cared enough to rescue me from eternal dangers, surely you care enough to see me through temporary trials.

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