
God Is Utterly Dependable

God Is Utterly Dependable

Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; therefore he will rise up to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him!
Isaiah 30:18

The word faithful means reliable or trustworthy. A faithful person is dependable; you can count on them. A faithful husband is true to his wife. What the faithful employee promises, she will do. A faithful friend will stand by you “until the cows come home,” as they say in some parts.


Of course, no flawed, fallible human is one hundred percent faithful. Only God measures up to that perfect standard. He is our faithful God who always keeps his promises (see Numbers 23:19). The Lord is devoted to us. One psalm repeats the phrase, “His love endures forever,” 26 times in 26 verses (see Psalm 136).

Whatever your trouble, God is there. He will not abandon you. Turn to him and let him show you how reliable he is.

• I want to show you my love and compassion.

• I am a faithful God.

• You are blessed if you wait for my help.

God, you are waiting to show me love and compassion. Why do I look elsewhere for help? You are the one, true, faithful God. Give me the courage to wait on you. Strengthen my faith as I see your faithfulness in my life.

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