
God Is Perfectly Fair

God Is Perfectly Fair

The leaders of Israel and the king humbled themselves and said, “The Lord is just.”
2 Chronicles 12:6

Life sure doesn’t seem very fair, does it? We all see people who passively ignore or actively despise God and enjoy abundant health, wealth, advantage and ease. And we know those who love and serve God with great passion and live under a barrage of problems. How can this be? How do we reconcile the great injustices of the world with the claim that our Maker and Ruler is always just?


This is, of course, a theological can of worms. The short answer is that just because we don’t seem to see universal, perfect justice right now doesn’t mean we never will.

One day heaven’s court will convene with almighty God presiding. All the evidence for everything will be presented. Every single motive will be considered and judged. Wrong thoughts and actions will be addressed. Every honorable response will be commended.

• I am just and fair.

• I am the upright, faithful God who can do no wrong.

Sometimes, Lord, when I look around, I wonder why the wicked prosper and the righteous suffer. Help me to keep me eyes on you and on the truth of your Word. You are just and fair in all you do. When I am suffering, keep me from complaining and doubting. Teach me to rely fully on your upright character.

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