
God Is On The Throne

God Is On The Throne

The Lord reigns, let the nations tremble; he sits enthroned between the cherubim, let the earth shake.
Psalm 99:1

In the darkest moments of our worst times it is difficult not to give in to despair. Every direction we turn we see trouble brewing. Meanwhile, where is God? Does he see? Does he hear our cries? Does he care? Has he lost control? Why doesn’t he do something?


If that is where you find yourself today, a truth that can make a real difference is the promise above. God is on his throne. He reigns over the universe and rules over your life. No matter how bleak things seem, the fact remains that God is in charge.

It’s interesting to read what happened when the curtains of heaven rolled back, so to speak, and allowed the prophet Isaiah (see Isaiah 6) and the apostle John (see Revelation) a glimpse of the Lord on his throne. The experience didn’t deliver either man from a life packed with trouble. But the reminder that God reigns changed each of them forever.

• I am the King of the universe.

• I am on my throne.

I praise you, Lord. By faith I proclaim that you reign over all. You are on your throne, and everyone and everything is subject to you. When my faith is weak and I am tempted to despair, remind me that you are still in charge. Give me a fresh vision of your kingship over the whole world—and over my world.

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