
God Gives You Supernatural Joy

God Gives You Supernatural Joy

The fruit of the Spirit is … joy.
Galatians 5:22

If it’s short-term pleasure or laughter you want, well then, you can almost certainly find it, and God need not be involved. Entertainment, comfort, luxury—these experiences are readily available in our culture. Happiness is a bit more tricky. Circumstances have to fall into place just so—but happiness can be found for brief periods.


Then there’s the rare jewel of joy. Joy is the quiet delight that comes from knowing we are right with God. It is a deep pleasure of soul that comes from living consciously in God’s presence (see Psalm 16:11). Joy isn’t giddiness or feeling tingly; it is an abiding radiance and elation that fills us when we give the Spirit of God total freedom to work in us however he wants.

For many Christians—especially those in crisis—joy is the most elusive of fruits. But it need not be. The Spirit of God specializes in producing this quality in the people of God. Will you let him have his way in you today?

• When you allow my Spirit to reign in your life, I will fill you with joy.

Holy Spirit, I need the joy that only you can give. Forgive me for the times I let circumstances control my moods. Let me experience your presence today and the quiet thrill that comes from walking with you.

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