
God Has Set You Free In Christ

God Has Set You Free In Christ

To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” … So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.
John 8:31-32,36

The United States Penitentiary near Marion, Illinois, is a somber sight. Its windowless buildings, imposing guard towers and series of barbed-wire fences remind us that the human heart is capable of great evil and that wrong choices have devastating consequences.


But Christ’s words above remind us of another, greater truth. People trapped in destructive lifestyles, and those enslaved by guilt and shame, can experience ultimate freedom.

Hardened sinners can be released from sin’s terrible penalty and power. Weary religious folks can be unshackled from their exhausting, futile efforts to live by a million “do’s and don’ts.”

Christ came to set us free. Free from condemnation and shame. Free from the impossibility of trying to earn God’s approval or please fickle people. Free to marvel at the wonder of forgiven sin. Free to enjoy the rich banquet of his endless grace.

Are you living in freedom today?

• My truth will set you free.

• The freedom I give is true freedom.

O Lord, this is an amazing truth! You have set me free to obey you. Teach me to believe the paradox that I am most free when I am living as your servant. Help me to better understand your grace.

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