
God Can Cleanse You Completely

God Can Cleanse You Completely

“Come now, let us settle the matter,” says the Lord. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.”
Isaiah 1:18

You’ve seen them … those commercials featuring miracle stain removers. According to the pitch it doesn’t matter what substance you’re trying to clean up—wolf blood, cat vomit, jet fuel, road tar, etc. “If you’ll just use Mess-B-Gone (only $19.95 if you call in the next 10 minutes!), your carpet or sofa or flat panel TV will be clean in a flash!”


Perhaps you’ve tried such products, only to realize that Mess-Be-Gone is better at removing money from your wallet than it is at removing maple syrup from your college diploma.

We all have legitimate reasons to be skeptical when an offer sounds too good to be true. But here’s a pledge you can take to the bank: God is willing to cleanse any and every sin. No act is too awful, too big, too outrageous.

It’s true. Even that sin, that unspeakable act, is forgivable. Except for the sin of refusing to trust in Christ, you can’t imagine a sin that God can’t pardon. “God’s grace,” as the old hymn says, “is greater than all our sin.”

What terrible mess would you like to bring to God for a miracle clean-up today?

• I will blot out and take away the stain of sin.

God, what an amazing promise! What an incredible Savior! Thank you for dealing fully and finally with my sin. Thank you for forgiveness in Christ.

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