
God Wants To Show You The Good Path

God Wants To Show You The Good Path

This is what the Lord says: “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.”
Jeremiah 6:16

The speed limit is 65, but you set the cruise on 80 because you want to get home. After five minutes you see flashing red lights behind you.


On the way to work you realize you left your laptop at home with the browser open. Just then you get a text from your spouse that reads: “Would you care to explain these emails I’m reading on your computer?”

Writing to the people of Israel who were facing major trouble because of their refusal to live as God commanded, Jeremiah stated a simple truth: It’s only when we walk in God’s ways that we find real rest for our souls.

When we ignore the rules, we eventually pay the consequences. That’s true on the road, in marriage—anywhere in life. We will reap what we sow.

Are you anxious right now? Are you fearful of being found out and paying a huge price? Here’s an easy cure, a sure path to peace. You are at a crossroads. Stop. Ask God to show you his ancient, proven, good way. Then determine, by his grace and with his help, to walk that path and no other.

• I will show you the way in which to live.

• If you live my way, you will find rest for your soul.

Father, forgive me for foolishly thinking I can ignore your truth and find blessing and peace. There is no true rest for my soul unless and until I submit to your will and your plan for my life. Grant me the grace and courage to do that.

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