
God Turns Trouble Into Triumph

God Turns Trouble Into Triumph

Our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
2 Corinthians 4:17-18

A few envied women have “effortless” pregnancies—no morning sickness, plenty of energy, minimal weight gain—culminating in quick deliveries and recoveries. The average woman, however, struggles with some combination of nausea, weariness, back pain, mood swings, a long, tortuous labor—and perhaps even a medical complication or two along the way. For this majority, nine months can seem like nine years.


Yet the old clichés are true. The teary-eyed mom holding her newborn is quick to admit, “It was worth every bit of the trouble.” All the discomfort and stress is swallowed up by the joy of new life.

This is the idea in the apostle Paul’s words about our temporal struggles. From our vantage point tough times seem gigantic, endless and pointless. But by the light of eternity we will one day see them as “temporary” and responsible for immeasurable good.

It is this kind of thinking that will get us through—looking ahead, anticipating the lasting joy that God will bring forth from our temporal troubles.

• In light of eternity your troubles are temporary.

• I will give you a joy that lasts forever.

It takes great faith to read the passage above with real conviction. My troubles seem huge, Lord. Give me eyes to see how temporary my trials are and how eternal your blessings are.

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