


God Promises You Peace


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God Promises You Peace

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6-7

What’s the solution for someone whose gut is in knots? Alcohol? Valium? A vacation at the beach? A weekend full of amusements and fun?


Such common remedies might offer temporary relief from stress, but the long-term, ongoing answer for anxiety is simple prayer. Pouring out your heart to God. Honestly sharing your needs with him.

It’s not like you’re telling God things he doesn’t know. And you’re not guaranteed everything you ask for. But what you do get when you pray is God’s ear and his heart. And if you linger long enough in his presence to get his perspective, you’ll find his perfect peace (see Isaiah 26:3).

Prayer isn’t magic. But when you talk to God honestly and in simple faith, it’s pretty close.

• If you pray about your concerns, I will give you my peace.

• My peace is too wonderful for you to comprehend.

• My peace will guard your heart and mind.

God, keep me praying instead of worrying. You promise peace—wonderful, supernatural peace—to those who look to you. In an anxious world, this is a blessed promise—the promise of peace.

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