
God Has Given You All You Need In Christ

God Has Given You All You Need In Christ

Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
Philippians 1:6

“Complete” means everything’s included or done. Nothing else is needed.


“Incomplete” means something is lacking—and we must either live without that missing something or try to acquire it somehow.

How much of our busyness stems from the reality that our lives our “incomplete” until we are finally united with Christ? Are we playing or vacationing to the point of exhaustion in hopes of acquiring “missing” experiences?

Today’s promise says that God will bring his good work in us to completion. Such a bold statement requires us to ask ourselves:

Do we honestly believe Jesus is enough? Are we trusting that he provides ultimate wholeness? Do our lives reflect our belief that our completeness is to be found in him?

• Jesus is fully God.

• You are one with Christ

• I will carry you through to completeness in Christ.

O Lord, by grace, through faith, I am eternally linked to you. I am part of your body. You are the head. Thank you that my needs are fully met in you. Forgive me for the times I think and act as though you are not enough.

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