
You Can Trust The Power Of Prayer

You Can Trust The Power Of Prayer

The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.
James 5:16

Can prayer really make a difference? If God knows everything that’s going to happen, why pray? Can we really change God’s mind?


We might be tempted to live as though our lives are set, and we must sit back and watch them happen. We have no control, so why try to do anything? We picture God with a cosmic cattle prod, having to zap us into action.

That’s not how it should be! We were put here on this earth for a purpose, so we need to get moving.

We know that God knows everything, that all our days are in his book and the hairs of our heads are numbered. But we don’t know everything, and our lives on this earth are a continuous quest to get to know God better. So we need to talk to him, pray for guidance, ask for advice, seek help, plead for healing or protection.

Does prayer change anything? Perhaps the better question is: Does prayer change us? The Bible promises that our prayers are powerful and effective. Prayer changes things—but most of all, it changes us.

• Your prayers are powerful.

• Your prayers are effective.

• Your prayers deepen your relationship with me.

I realize, Lord, that not every prayer is guaranteed a “yes” answer. But I know that my prayers have power and yield results—maybe in ways I will never know. Help me to grasp the awesome power of prayer. Thank you that prayer is the privilege of constant communication with you.

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