
God Is Aware Of Your Sorrow

God Is Aware Of Your Sorrow

Record my misery; list my tears on your scroll—are they not in your record?
Psalm 56:8

Sometimes you’re caught off guard by tears. Maybe the sight of your old junior high school does it. Or perhaps you get choked up standing on a beach at sunset or during the playing of the national anthem at a Veteran’s Day celebration.


Most times, however, our tears are not surprising. We’re exhausted or stressed, frustrated or afraid. We feel helpless and, sometimes, a tad hopeless. And one can only keep such emotions in check for so long.

Psalm 56 is a prayer of David’s during one of those bitter times in his life when his enemies were hunting him physically and assaulting him verbally. Weary and worried, he cried out to God. Hot tears and raw emotions—it all came flowing out. But from this dark time in his life David realized the bright promise that God is intimately aware of our sorrows.

We shouldn’t be surprised. After all, if God has numbered the hairs of our heads (see Luke 12:7), why not our tears as well?

• I keep track of your sorrows.

• I see all your disappointments and know about all your pain.

Lord, thank you for loving me—for watching over and caring about all the details of my life. When I suffer for the truth, I can be sure that you see and keep track for the coming day of reward.

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