
God Promises You Eternal Treasure

God Promises You Eternal Treasure

The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.
Romans 8:16-17

What motivated explorers like Magellan and Columbus to sail across vast, uncharted oceans? What inspires researchers, movie stars, writers or factory workers? The same thing that moves children to dig a hole on a sandy beach. They are all on a search for treasure.


This is what we are—a race of treasure-hunters. We individually pursue whatever we consider supremely valuable—if not the fortune of gold or silver or precious gems, then the “wealth” of freedom, fame, family, friendship or faith.

It’s been said that nothing worth having is easy. If this is true, then maybe the greatest treasures of all can be obtained only through the greatest struggles. This might explain the great agonies of the Christian faith. And it also gives us a tantalizing hint of the phenomenal riches that await all who endure to the end.

• You will share all my treasures.

As your child, Father, I am your heir. All that you have is mine. It is hard to fathom, Lord, such a breathtaking promise. I am wealthy beyond words! Make this life-changing truth more than “head knowledge” to me. Cause it to sink deeply into my soul and to alter the way I live on a daily basis. I want to persevere for you.

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