
God Stands Up For The Helpless

God Stands Up For The Helpless

My whole being will exclaim, “Who is like you, LORD? You rescue the poor from those too strong for them, the poor and needy from those who rob them.”
Psalm 35:10

In an ideal world, the most vulnerable members of society would be zealously protected by the strong. In our world, the weak and helpless, the poor and needy, are often neglected—or worse, they are mistreated by those with power.

Perhaps you know firsthand about such oppression. Maybe you feel taken advantage of by a tyrannical boss or creditor, harmed by an unfair landlord, or abused by a confusing legal system. Whatever your unique situation, this much is sure: There are few worse feelings than being at the mercy of the mighty.

Take comfort in the words of Psalm 35. There is the story of a mistreated David who found refuge in the promise that God stands up and speaks up for those who are too weak to defend themselves.

• I protect the helpless from those who would take advantage of them.

Lord, no one cares for the weak and helpless like you. I feel weak and confused. I don’t know how to defend myself against those who are after me. Rescue me, God. I look to you and you alone.


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