
God Helps The Helpless

God Helps The Helpless

The LORD upholds all who fall and lifts up all who are bowed down.
Psalm 145:14

The commercial was intended to sell some kind of medical alert device. It featured an elderly actress lying helplessly on the floor, crying out in desperation, “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!” Within weeks the ad had become a national parody, and the woman’s phrase was the punch line to a thousand jokes.

“Really funny stuff!”—only to those who have never taken a tumble, physically or figuratively; only to those who have never experienced the fear of helplessness.

The world snickers at the less fortunate. But God? Never. When he hears one of his children cry, “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!” or “I’m about to collapse under this crushing weight!” notice what he does.

He “upholds.” He “lifts up.” He can send such aid in a million different ways. But he will never stand idly by, and he certainly will never scoff at you in your time of need.

• I will uphold you when you fall.

• I will lift you up when you are worn-out.

Lord, you promise to help the fallen. Sometimes I feel like I spend most of my time on the ground, in trouble. Come to my aid or my situation will never change. You lift up those who are bent beneath their loads. When I am weary and worn-down, prompt me to look to you in faith. And make me sensitive to others who are heavy-laden.


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