
God Has Canceled Out Your Sin

God Has Canceled Out Your Sin

Those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified.
Romans 8:30

Someone has said that religion is spelled d-o. In other words, it’s all the things we think we have to do in order to earn God’s approval. The problem, of course, is that no matter how religiously we “do’ things for God, no matter how active in church affairs, no matter how involved in Christian activities, we can never know for sure if we’ve done enough.


Christianity is the antithesis of religion. Christianity is spelled d-o-n-e. Jesus Christ has already accomplished everything necessary for us to experience God’s favor. He purchased salvation for us with his blood. He offers this new life and right relationship with God as a free gift to all who will stop trusting in their own efforts and who will trust him alone. He has done it all for us.

It’s not wrong to be busy serving the Lord—unless you think that all your “activity” will result in God’s favor. Your relationship with God can’t be earned. It’s a gift.

• I chose you.

• I gave you relationship with me.

• I will give you my glory.

Lord, you have chosen me and called me to yourself. I do not understand such love, such grace. But I thank you for saving me from sin.

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