
God Has Changed You

God Has Changed You

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!
2 Corinthians 5:17

Life stampedes around us and over us. Urgent demands scream at us. How unnatural it feels to deliberately “go against the flow” of our frenetic culture!


Perhaps as you look at your calendar or smartphone or ponder your own personality and habits, you think: What’s the use? I know that excessive busyness is wrong. But I can’t change.

Correction: You already are changed! When God gave you new life—by placing his Spirit within you—a fundamental transformation took place inside you. The old you was replaced with a new nature that has both the desire and the ability to please God. The Christian life is simply the process of working with God to bring that inward change to the surface of your life (see Ephesians 2:10 and 2 Peter 1:4).

Are you willing today to live out the deep changes that God has already begun in you?

• In Christ, you are a brand-new person.

• You are not the person you were. Your old life is gone.

• I have given you new life.

God, thank you for giving me new life—a rich life that will never end. I am not the person I was—the old me is gone. I praise you, Father, that I do not have to keep living the way I used to live. Because of you, I have the capacity to change and grow into the image of Jesus.

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