
God Has Made You His Ambassador

God Has Made You His Ambassador

God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us.
2 Corinthians 5:19-20


Good ambassadors lead busy lives. They immerse themselves in the culture of the nation to which they’ve been sent. They work on refining their language skills. They keep up with current events and government initiatives. They host dinners at their embassy and meet almost nonstop with key advisors and foreign leaders. But in the midst of all this activity, they remember that their real mission is to accurately represent their government.

Isn’t this the Christian’s job description? We are citizens of heaven, living as “foreigners” in a fallen world. Our task is to represent Christ and his kingdom, to announce his offer of peace and forgiveness.

Only a perspective like this can infuse our daily activities with a sense of urgency.

• I have forgiven your sin and reconciled you to myself.

• I have given you this “Good News” to share with others.

• You are my ambassador.

God, through Christ, you forgive sins and bring sinners back into relationship with yourself. Thank you, Lord, for drawing me to yourself and saving me. You have given the gospel to me so that I might share it. I’m sorry, Lord, for the times I’ve been tight-lipped about my faith. Make me bolder and more engaging to those who don’t yet know you.

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