
God Sets You Free In Christ

God Sets You Free In Christ

Live as free people, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as God’s slaves.
1 Peter 2:16


Christ came to set us free (see John 8:36). Wonderfully free from sin’s grave penalty and its terrible power. Gloriously free from guilt and shame. Marvelously free from a life of empty religious drudgery.

But if you look around you—and maybe even within you—you don’t always see the glad signs of freedom. You see Christians trapped in unhealthy habits and destructive lifestyles. You see exhausted believers who view the Christian life as an oppressive list of dos and don’ts.

Christ came to set us free. Free to enjoy the rich banquet of endless grace. Free to throw back our heads and laugh at the wonder of forgiven sin. Free to give ourselves fully to the task for which we were created—the only task which can fill our hearts—serving our gracious God.

Are you living like the free person you are?

• I have set you free.

• You will experience true freedom when you serve me in grace.

I am truly free in Christ. O Lord, this is a phenomenal truth! But I do not always live it out. Instead of joyful delight in your refreshing salvation, I often feel like I am barely making it. I am free, not to live as I want, but as you desire.

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