
A Spouse Can Be A Treasure

A Spouse Can Be A Treasure

He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord.
Proverbs 18:22

If you’re married, think back to the time before you married. Did you pray for your future spouse, even if you didn’t know who that person was? Perhaps your parents or some other loved one prayed for you to find the right person.


Today’s proverb says that “he who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord.” Of course, proverbs are just that—general truths. Although we can’t technically call them promises, we can pray that the general truth will be true for those we’re praying for: our spouses, our children, other loved ones, even ourselves. We can pray that if it is God’s will that they (or you) marry, he will give them (or you) wisdom, discernment and a willingness to listen carefully to his guidance. We can pray that our sons will find wives who will be “treasures” to them and that they will be godly husbands. We can pray that our daughters will find godly husbands to whom they will be priceless treasures.

If you’re praying for a mate for yourself, pray for God’s choice, and for God to make you ready for this next step in your life.

• Marriage has my stamp of approval. I can help your marriage be a great success.

• I can help you be a treasure to your spouse—and help your spouse to see it.

Lord, you know how tough marriage can be. In fact, the world doesn’t often give us the picture of spouses truly treasuring one another and receiving your favor. I pray for my marriage, and thank you for the priceless treasure of my spouse.

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