
God Blesses Those Who Choose Wise Company

God Blesses Those Who Choose Wise Company

Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the LORD, and who meditates on his law day and night.
PSALM 1:1-2

Who is your oldest, long-term friend? Is this someone who has been in your life since childhood? While your neighborhood determined many of your friends in your younger years, this changes as you grow up and move on in life. Some newer acquaintances probably have developed into life-long friendships.


Many of us can probably attest to at least one or two unwise friendships we’ve had in our lives. We can recognize the quality of a friendship by the “fruit” it bears in our lives.

Prayer is a good resource to use when choosing positive friendships. We can pray to avoid close friendships with the “wicked,” the “sinners,” and the “mockers” as the psalmist suggests, while also praying that we will be positive witnesses to the non-Christians in our sphere of influence.

“Meditat[ing] on [God’s] law day and night” is another good resource for developing good friendships. It helps us avoid the temptation to follow the wrong crowd.

• I bless those who do my will.

• I can help you choose close relationships wisely.

I know, Lord, that you want me to delight in doing your will, and that’s what I want more than anything. Help me choose positive relationships and build good Christian friendships that will support me in my faith.

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