
God Will Give You Discernment

God Will Give You Discernment

Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.
1 John 4:1

“I’m sure this is the truth.” “I had a feeling that was wrong.” “God told me to tell you …”


Ever fall victim to a “word” someone claimed to have from God? Many lives have been damaged because they acted on a “truth” they received, a “truth” that turned out to be false. We sometimes base our actions on our opinions, feelings or even hearsay. We’re so sure we’re right that we don’t even bother consulting God. But the apostle John challenges us to seek the Lord’s discernment.

In John’s day, false teachers blatantly professed untruths about God and caused problems for the first-century believers. John urged his readers to test the “prophecies” the prophets claimed were God’s. How could they do that? Through God’s Word and the Holy Spirit.

God will give us the discernment we need to know what’s true. In that way, we don’t have to rely on our own, sometimes faulty, logic.

• I can help you discern truth.

• You can ask me to help you.

Lord, I need your help to discern what’s true. Help me to find the answers I need through your Word and the wise counsel of those you send to me. Help me never to pass on false doctrine.

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