
God Does Not Play Favorites

God Does Not Play Favorites

Peter began to speak: “I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism but accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right.”
Acts 10:34-35

When you were a child, did you ever play favorites when choosing teams or inviting people to a birthday party? Did you ever have to watch from the sidelines as someone else played favorites? It hurts to be the one not chosen. Many lives have been severely damaged through favoritism.


God shaped the people of Israel into his special nation. The Messiah—Jesus—came from this nation. But after Jesus returned to heaven and the Holy Spirit came to earth, God extended his family membership to the Gentiles. Peter initially balked at the idea of even entering the home of a Gentile, having never done so before. But God assured Peter of the promise above: God does not show favoritism. He accepts anyone who comes to him—Jew or Gentile.

Sometimes we play favorites, fearing people who are different from us. God reminds us that favoritism has no place in his kingdom. God’s love has no color or national identity. All are welcome to join his family.

• I do not play favorites.

• I accept everyone willing to do what is right.

Lord, sometimes I fear that I’ll say or do the wrong thing around people I don’t know or don’t understand because they are different than I am. Grant me boldness to love all people and to never play favorites.

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