
God Delivers The Faithful From Shame

God Delivers The Faithful From Shame

Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.
Psalm 34:5

Has this ever happened to you? You’re in a tough spot, a real mess. But instead of looking to God and responding to your situation in faith, you panic. You end up making decisions that you later regret.


First Samuel 21 records how David, while fleeing from the murderous King Saul, pretended to be insane when he encountered a Philistine king. This is Israel’s greatest war hero and most faithful follower of God, in enemy territory, depending on a manmade trick rather than God to save his skin!

Later, in reflecting upon this incident in Psalm 34, David declares that God is faithful to deliver his people from shame. Could it be that David regretted his failure to demonstrate faith before the king of Gath? Could it be that David was saying when we come back to God after making choices we are ashamed of, we find the forgiveness and cleansing that puts our shame to flight?

• Look to me and I will give you joy.

• I will not allow shame to touch you.

Lord, there is joy—not shame—for the troubled soul who looks to you in faith. When I am in trouble, keep me from the temptation to take matters into my own hands. Rather than devising some kind of human scheme to avoid trouble, give me the courage to trust in you. And when I fail, keep me from wallowing in shame. Prompt me to turn back to you so that I might know your forgiveness and peace.

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