
God Gives Wisdom

God Gives Wisdom

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.
James 1:5

We fight aging. We buy creams and gels to fix our sagging skin and our graying hair. But there’s a good thing that comes with aging—at least for most people—a little bit of wisdom gained in the trenches of life experiences. Where we used to look up to older people for advice, now we are those older people. It behooves us to ask God for wisdom to make sense of our lives so far and to be able to share that wisdom with others.


While it’s true that much of our wisdom comes from the experience of serving God over the years, it’s also true, as God’s promise says, that if we need wisdom, all we have to do is ask him for it. He promises to give wisdom for every situation and to help the one asking to continue to grow in that wisdom.

Pray that you will gain the wisdom of experience that comes from walking with God and that you will continue to ask for the wisdom you need for every day, every situation, every conversation. God promises to give it.

• When you ask me for wisdom, I will gladly give it.

Lord, I need wisdom for the decisions I make every day. May your wisdom guide the choices and decisions I make, so that I will gain valuable wisdom to pass on to others.

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