
Those Who Obey Are Wise

Those Who Obey Are Wise

Not everyone who says to me, “Lord, Lord,” will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven … Therefore, everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.
Matthew 7:21,24

In order for us to be able to obey, communication with God and relationship with him are necessary. We can’t obey when we don’t know the rules. People who are believers are constantly seeking to know God better so they can obey him.


Even in obedience, all believers don’t look alike. God gives us all enough room for a range of choices in some areas. Unfortunately, many today are mixed up about those areas. Some try to make sin an option or a lifestyle choice. Other issues—such as how we school our children, worship or spend our money—offer us many options, and each of us can be in God’s will even though we may do those things a bit differently.

We are responsible to know God’s Word in order to discern what’s sinful and to be sure of God’s guidance. The responsibility to obey is ours. If we continue to seek God’s guidance sincerely and obey what he says, our lives will be built on solid rock.

• You will have great wisdom when you listen to my teaching and obey me.

Lord, give me discernment so that I won’t condemn others in areas where you have allowed for freedom. Help me build my life on the solid rock of your Word. May I not only hear your teaching but also listen and obey.

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