
God Knows You

God Knows You

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart.
Jeremiah 1:5

If you had good parents, then plenty of wonderful things happened while you were in the womb. The moment your parents became aware of your existence, they began making plans. They got baby books. They put together a place for you in their house or apartment. They got clothing, books, diapers, toys and all sorts of accessories. They went to doctor’s appointments. They decided on what they would name you.


Your parents had dreams for you. They wanted to be great parents. They wanted to raise you well and give you every opportunity.

Another person had some plans in place as well—God himself. In fact, he knew you’d be showing up in the womb before your parents did. He knew every decision they’d make and every mistake. In short, he knew everything about you.

Jeremiah was set apart for a special task, but we know that God makes each of us special with special tasks to do on this planet. If you’re still wondering, go to the Source for an answer. He had you in mind from the beginning.

• I have chosen you.

• I know you completely.

• I want to guide you.

Lord, thank you for knowing me from before I was even born. Show me the tasks you have for me.

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