
You Are Christ’s Witness

You Are Christ’s Witness

Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.
Matthew 28:19-20

There’s no doubt about the job Jesus left for us to do. He did not say, “Go hide away from this evil world and keep clear of its influence.” He didn’t say, “Don’t get near those nasty unbelievers who do such sinful things!” He said, “Go and make disciples of all the nations.” That means stepping out of our comfort zones—whether across the street or around the world—to find people who need to know Christ. They are the ones who need to hear the message.


In this life we will encounter plenty of unbelievers who need to be reached. Whether God calls us to live on the other side of the globe or to have an impact at our local school or in the workplace, we need to gain a heart for the lost so that we can do as Christ commands and “make disciples.” We also can be an example to others in our concern for the lost and our witness to the people God has placed in our sphere of influence.

• Through my power you can help make disciples of all nations.

• I am with you always.

Jesus, help me to be a good example in my concern for the lost. In words, deeds and attitudes may I stand out in the crowd as one who has found the answer to life! Thank you for the promise of your presence.

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