
You Can Pray For Your Country

You Can Pray For Your Country

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14

No country is perfect. No matter where we live, we know that our leaders are human and have flaws. We know that our society could use some moral grounding. We look around in dismay at the sin that surrounds us. We cry to God when we see terrorism, murder, school shootings or other senseless acts people do to one another.


What can we do? As God told his people Israel to humble themselves and pray, so must we.

For those of us who have wonderful privileges, we also have big responsibilities. If we see problems, we should be willing to work to make a difference. If we live in a country that is democratic, we should educate ourselves about issues and candidates before every election, and we should exercise our right to vote.

No matter where we live, we need to pray for our nation and its leaders. God promises that when his people humble themselves and pray, he will hear from heaven.

• When you pray for your country, I will hear those prayers.

Thank you, Lord, for the reminder to pray for my country and the leaders who govern. Give them wisdom and a sense of your justice. May I never take my opportunities and the responsibilities I have for granted.

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