
God Gives You The Sword Of The Spirit

God Gives You The Sword Of The Spirit

Take … the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
Ephesians 6:17

The soldier goes into battle well protected from attack, but since his job is also to do his share of attacking, he needs a weapon. Roman soldiers carried swords, most likely short double-edged swords designed for hand-to-hand combat. A soldier’s sword was a deadly weapon.


Believers also need an offensive weapon, and God gives it. He tells us to take up the sword of the Spirit, his Word. When we know God’s Word, we are prepared to answer Satan’s attacks as well as other people’s doubts and questions.

Satan tried to tempt Jesus by misusing God’s Word, but Jesus replied to Satan by using God’s Word correctly and defeated him (see Matthew 4:1-11). Likewise, the Holy Spirit will help us understand what we read in the Bible and enable us to apply it correctly in our lives. When we build the habit of studying God’s Word, we become prepared for battle or to share our faith.

• You will be able to stand firm in the heat of the battle when you carry the sword of the Spirit, my Word, in your mind and heart.

Lord, thank you for the Bible. Please allow your Holy Spirit to enlighten my mind to understand what I read and how it applies to my life. May that sword be drawn and ready when Satan attacks with a lie. Give me the wisdom to use your Word correctly.

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