
Under The Scrutiny Of The Lord

Under The Scrutiny Of The Lord

For this very reason, Christ died and returned to life so that he might be the Lord of both the dead and the living … So then, each of us will give an account of ourselves to God.
Romans 14:9,12

Aspiring politicians dread the thought of skeletons in the closet coming to light. But even the most anonymous John or Jane Doe will one day stand before the light of God’s judgment. And then no secrets will be safe.


“Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account” (Hebrews 4:13). The God who knows even the thoughts and intentions of the heart will one day judge all.

Donald Barnhouse advises the Christian how to live in the light of that knowledge.

“We must understand that ‘what he sows’ (Galatians 6:7) must be taken in its widest meaning, and that every thought and intent of the heart will come under the scrutiny of our Lord at his coming.

“We can be sure that at the judgment seat of Christ there will be a marked difference between the Christian who has lived his life before the Lord, clearly discerning what was for the glory of God, and another Christian who was saved in a rescue mission at the tag end of a depraved and vicious life, or a nominal Christian saved on his deathbed after a life of self-pride, self-righteousness, self-love, and self-sufficiency.

“All will be in heaven, but the differences will be eternal. We may be sure that the consequences of our character will survive the grave and that we shall face those consequences at the judgment seat of Christ.”

Although the penalty of sin is removed for the Christian, the consequences of sin continue to operate in a fallen world. Murder always means the loss of life; adultery, the destruction of a home; lying, the loss of integrity—for Christian and non-Christian alike.

This is an ample reason to keep on your toes and stay on your knees in your walk with the Lord.

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