
Being Wise In God’s Eyes

Being Wise In God’s Eyes

If any of you think you are wise by the standards of this age, you should become “fools” so that you may become wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God’s sight.
1 Corinthians 3:18-19

Suppose a renowned scientist reported the conclusion that there is no God.


What would you conclude about his conclusion?

If you are wise, you would respond with the words of the psalmist: “The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God’ “ (Psalm 14:1).

John Calvin provides a helpful insight into this issue of human foolishness.

“Paul does not require that we should altogether renounce the wisdom that is implanted in us by nature but simply that we subject it to the service of God.

“The ‘wisdom of this world’ is that which assumes to itself authority, and does not allow itself to be regulated by the Word of God. We become a fool in this world when we give way to God and embrace with fear and reverence everything he teaches us, rather than follow what seems plausible.

“It is necessary for our wisdom to vanish in this way in order that God may have authority over us, and that we be emptied of our own understanding and be filled with the wisdom of God.

“Until an individual acknowledges that he knows nothing but what he has learned from God, he is wise in the world’s account, but he is foolish in the estimation of God.”

The Christian acknowledges that God exists. The world thinks it is wise to try to live without him.

What do you think?

The Christian knows there is a God—and is labeled a “fool” by the world for believing so. The world denies there is a God—and is labeled a “fool” by God’s Word for believing so.

In the final analysis, whose “fool” would you rather be?

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