
Mastering The Self, Conquering The Flesh

Mastering The Self, Conquering The Flesh

Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training … I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave.
1 Corinthians 9:25,27

The Corinthians had much to learn about moderation and self-control—lessons Paul was eager to teach them.


In ancient times athletes disciplined their minds and bodies just to win a fragile wreath of laurel. How much more one who “competes in the games” with eternal, indestructible rewards in view!

More than 500 years ago, Thomas à Kempis gave this counsel about the problem of self-control.

“Various desires and longings often inflame you and drive you forward with vehemence. But consider whether you are not moved for your own advantage rather than for God’s honor.

“Not every desire which seems good is immediately to be followed; nor again is every unpleasant desire at the first to be avoided.

“It is sometimes expedient to use restraint even in good desires and endeavors, so that they do not become annoying distractions.

“Sometimes you must use physical means to resist valiantly the desires of the senses, and disregard what the flesh wants.

“The flesh must be disciplined and forced to remain under servitude until it is prepared for everything, and until you learn to be content with little and to be pleased with plain and simple things, not murmuring against any inconvenience.”

“Competes … strike … make it my slave.” Those words demand a willful resolve and an active response.

How much you eat, sleep, exercise, relax—all these are part of learning self-mastery, so that you might be strong and ready for the Master’s service.

Many are unwilling to pay the price and are therefore unprepared for the rigors of the “marathon race” known as the Christian life.

How will you resolve—and respond?

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