
God’s Presence In Troubled Times

God’s Presence In Troubled Times

When we are judged in this way by the Lord, we are being disciplined so that we will not be finally condemned with the world.
1 Corinthians 11:32

Joseph in the pit. Job among the ashes. Jeremiah in the dungeon. Paul in the Philippian jail.


Individuals God forgot about? Quite the contrary! Individuals in close communication with their Creator. Each learned that a child of God need never be alarmed at the presence of trouble when God is an ever-present companion.

Martin Luther underscores this truth.

“Reason holds that if God had a watchful eye on us and loved us, he would prevent all evil and not let us suffer. But now, since all sorts of calamities come to us, we conclude: ‘Either God has forgotten me, or God is hostile to me and does not want me.’

“Against such thoughts, which we harbor by nature, we must arm ourselves with God’s Word. We must not judge according to our opinion but according to the Word.

First Corinthians 11 tells us that God disciplines those whom he intends to keep and preserve for eternal life—that he cannot be hostile to them, but that they must nonetheless suffer all sorts of trouble, crosses, and temptations. We should cling to such passages in times of temptation.

“Suppose a person has a trouble from which he would gladly be relieved. If he thinks: ‘See here! If I did not have this affliction, I would fall into this or that mischief; God is acting in my best interests, to keep me in his fear and drive me to the Word and prayer.’ It will clearly appear that God does not discipline us because he is hostile to us, but to show us his love.”

Father, I confess how frequently I view my problems as evidence that you have forgotten me, rather than as tokens of your constant watch and care over me.

When troubles and trials cause me to doubt your goodness, help me instead to cling to your Word.

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