
Our Arbitrator, Counselor, And Mediator

Our Arbitrator, Counselor, And Mediator

All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation.
2 Corinthians 5:18

Two companies working on a contract experience irreconcilable differences. Two teams during a game disagree on the interpretation of a particular rule. A husband and wife have problems that threaten to break up their marriage.


In each case the need is the same: an arbitrator, umpire, counselor, mediator—someone to reconcile the alienated parties. In a similar way sin has caused a breach in our relationship with God. But it is not an “irreconcilable difference.” Matthew Henry explains.

“Sin has broken the friendship between God and humanity. The heart of the sinner is filled with enmity against God, and God is justly offended by the sinner. Yet there may be a reconciliation; the offended Majesty of heaven is willing to be reconciled. He has appointed the Mediator of reconciliation, Jesus Christ.

“As God is willing to be reconciled to us, we ought to be reconciled to God. And it is the great end and design of the gospel, the word of reconciliation, to prevail upon sinners to lay aside their enmity against God.

“Wonderful condescension! God can be no loser by the quarrel, nor gainer by the peace. Yet by his ministers he beseeches sinners to lay aside their enmity and accept the terms he offers, that they would be reconciled to him, to believe in the Mediator, to accept the atonement, and comply with his gospel.”

Ambassadors represent their native lands in foreign countries. They provide the crucial link between homeland and host land.

Your privilege as a Christian on planet Earth is similar: to represent the Mediator and his “native land.” To be involved in the “ministry of reconciliation” by sharing the word of reconciliation with sinners alienated from God.

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