
Standing Firm Against Satan’s Schemes

Standing Firm Against Satan’s Schemes

And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.
2 Corinthians 11:14

If you had the task of devising clever schemes to deceive people about the person and program of God, what dirty tricks would you suggest?


Perhaps you would start a “God Can’t Be Trusted” campaign or you’d encourage people to procrastinate with their souls or you’d spread the lie that Christians don’t enjoy life. Sadly, all of these schemes—and countless others—have been used by Satan, the “father of lies” (John 8:44), and his demons.

The need has never been greater for Christians who can stand tall against Satan’s deceitful attacks, as Martin Luther points out.

“The person who takes to heart the lesson that Christ hurts when the heart of a Christian is sad or frightened has won half the battle. For when I get to know the enemy who wants to frighten and depress me, I already have solid ground on which I can stand against him.

“The devil disguises himself as an angel of light. But this is a sign by which we may recognize him: He creates a timid, frightened, troubled conscience.

“False teachers cannot comfort or make happy a timid conscience; they only make hearts confused, sad, and melancholy so that people are gloomy and act sad. This, however, is nothing but the deception of the devil, who delights to make hearts fearful, cowardly, and timid.

“To be sure, a Christian leads a life that has much suffering and many temptations on the outside. Nevertheless, he can have a confident, happy heart toward God and can expect the best from him.”

For the first half of his life, Luther lived like the very people he describes: afraid of God, dismayed by life. But once he understood the grace of God, Luther’s fears gave way to a contagious exuberance that God would use to transform a continent.

Don’t be deceived by an angel of light. Instead, fall at the feet of the light of the world, and discover anew that life is worth living.

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