
Finding The Path From Prison To Peace

Finding The Path From Prison To Peace

The Lord Jesus Christ … gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age.
Galatians 1:3-4

Nearly 500 years ago, a young monk wrestled with the question of his relationship to God. He had done all he knew to do but still had found no peace in his soul. It seemed that everything he tried fell short of heaven’s demands.


Though at times he despaired of ever getting right with God, he one day found the forgiveness he had sought “through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 7:25).

What acts of piety alone could not give, Martin Luther experienced in Christ—and you can too!

“Say with confidence: ‘Christ, the Son of God, was given not for the righteous, but for sinners!’ (see Matthew 9:13). If I had no sin I should not need Christ.

“My sins are not imaginary transgressions, but sins against God: unbelief, doubt, despair, contempt, hatred, ingratitude, ignorance of God, misuse of his name, neglect of his Word; and sins against others: dishonor of parents, disobedience of government, coveting another’s possessions.

“Even if I have not committed murder, adultery, theft, or similar sins in deed, nevertheless I have committed them in the heart, and therefore I am a transgressor of all the commandments of God.

“Because my transgressions are multiplied and my own efforts at self-justification more a hindrance than a furtherance, therefore Christ the Son of God gave himself unto death for my sins.

“To believe this is to have eternal life.”

Luther staggered under a load of sin and guilt that no amount of penance could fit. Finally, leaving that burden at the cross, he experienced the peace that only God can give.

Have you, like Luther, been trying to live the Christian life without knowing the giver of life?

The first step is to receive gratefully the gift of God’s Son. Only then can you rise up in joyful service for your Lord and Savior.

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