
Open Your Hands To Receive What Christ Gives

Open Your Hands To Receive What Christ Gives

Understand, then, that those who have faith are children of Abraham.
Galatians 3:7

Abraham lived long before camera crews could follow his every step. But Abraham’s name is enshrined in Scripture as one of the great examples of a person who took God at his word.


“Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness” (Romans 4:3). Faith was the sole basis of Abraham’s right standing with God.

Does that seem hard to believe? It did to the Galatians! So Paul reminded them in Galatians 3 of the sufficiency of faith—the same truth underscored by F. B. Meyer in this insight.

“The strong tendency of the Galatian Christians to depend on ceremonies or legal obedience in addition to their faith in Christ, brings about in this chapter a magnificent demonstration of the sufficiency of faith alone.

“Faith had marked the beginning of the [Galatians’] Christian lives. They had found peace with God through faith.

“Faith had been the means, too, of Abraham’s acceptance with God. Long before he had become a Jew by the initial rite of Judaism, he had been a humble believer in God’s promise, on the basis of which he was reckoned righteous.

“Simple faith was the only condition that he had fulfilled. Surely what was sufficient for the father of the faithful is good enough for his children!

“Let each reader see to it that he does not merely believe about Christ, but believes in him.”

Abraham was “fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised” (Romans 4:21).

Abraham did not earn salvation (see Galatians 3:6) nor did he deserve it (see Galatians 3:22). His responsibility was simply to receive it by believing what he heard (see Galatians 3:2,5).

Incredible? Unbelievable? Too good to be true? You’ll never know until you open your empty hands to receive what Christ alone can give.

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