
The Object Of Our Hope

The Object Of Our Hope

For through the Spirit we eagerly await by faith the righteousness for which we hope.
Galatians 5:5

Waiting room. The very words conjure up images of unpleasant times in the doctor’s or dentist’s office. For the Christian, waiting on God is a way of life.


Paul spent much of his early Christian life alone in the desert—learning to wait. In Galatians 5:5, he shared one of the keys he had discovered about waiting on God: waiting by faith.

Matthew Henry explains why waiting is an essential discipline.

“Here we observe what Christians are waiting for—the hope of righteousness, the happiness of the other world. This is called the hope of Christians, the great object of their hope, which they desire and pursue above everything else.

“Though a life of righteousness leads to this happiness, yet it is the righteousness of Christ alone which has procured it for us.

“We also learn how Christians hope to obtain this happiness by faith in Jesus Christ, not by the works of the law, or anything they can do to deserve it, but only by faith, receiving and relying on him as the Lord, our righteousness. We also see how Christians are waiting for the hope of righteousness—through the Spirit.

“They act under the direction and influence of the Holy Spirit. Under his conduct and by his assistance, they are both persuaded and enabled to believe on Christ, and to look for the hope of righteousness through him.”

A long wait is often helped by having someone to wait with you. You have been given such a companion—the Holy Spirit. His presence can help you view disappointments as divine appointments.

Commit your waiting moments to him. Ask for insight in knowing how to use each postponement and delay for eternal purposes. And while you wait, meditate on the hope of righteousness—eternal life with Jesus Christ.

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