
Spiritual Treasures All Believers Possess

Spiritual Treasures All Believers Possess

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.
Ephesians 1:3

Words cascade when something excites the heart.


In the original Greek text, Ephesians 1:3-14 is one continuous sentence of praise to God for benefits and blessings that are all “connected” in the person of Christ.

Don’t be surprised if you find Paul’s attitude contagious as you read A. W. Tozer’s description of these riches in Christ—past, present and future.

“The spiritual blessings which are ours in Christ may be divided into three types: “The first are those which come to us immediately upon our believing unto salvation, such as forgiveness, justification, sonship in the family of God. In Christ we possess these even before we know they are ours!

“The second are those riches which we cannot enjoy in actuality until our Lord returns. These include ultimate mental and moral perfection, the glorification of our bodies, and the maturing of the divine image in our redeemed personalities.

These treasures are as surely ours as if we possessed them now!

“The third consists of spiritual treasures which only come as we make a determined effort to possess them. These include deliverance from the sins of the flesh, victory over self, fruitfulness in service, awareness of God’s presence, growth in grace, and an unbroken spirit of worship. These come as our faith and courage mount.”

As you read that catalog of blessings, perhaps you found yourself getting excited.

Excited about what God has already done—in Christ. Confident about what he has promised to do—in Christ. Committed to claim his resources for today—in Christ.

Past. Present. Future. His blessings encompass your entire life—in Christ.

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