
Better A Conqueror Than A Casualty

Better A Conqueror Than A Casualty

Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that … you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.
Ephesians 6:13

As a Christian you are confronted daily with an all-too-familiar struggle—the struggle against the world, the flesh and the devil.


And without proper protection, you would quickly find yourself a casualty rather than a conqueror.

In Ephesians 6:10-18, Paul provided a checklist of spiritual armor. Check to see that yours is in place as H. C. G. Moule itemizes each piece.

“The soldier of faith appears before us made strong for a victory which is impossible, except by his relation to his Lord.

“He is safe because he is spiritually right with Christ in God-given truth and righteousness; because he is sure of Christ beneath his feet as the equipment of the gospel of peace for his own soul; because he finds Christ the mighty shield against the fiery volley when he follows him in faith; because he covers his head in the day of battle with Christ as his salvation; because Christ speaks through the Word of God, and so makes himself his servant’s sword to cut the accuser down; because prayer in the Spirit grasps him and holds him fast.

“Yes, here, to the last hour of our conflict and our siege—and here only—lies our victory.

“It is Christ himself, not the armor alone. It is the all-sufficient Lord whom the believer stands safely behind.”

It’s dangerous to be ineffective because of faulty or missing equipment. Now would be a good time for an inspection of your spiritual armor.

Have you put on the full armor of God? Is every piece in place? Are you covered from head to toe?

If not, consult your omnipotent supplier and general. He has everything you need for spiritual victory.

In fact, he is everything you need!

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