
An Accurate Reflection Of The Light Within

An Accurate Reflection Of The Light Within

Become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation. Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky.
Philippians 2:15

Reflections in a dirty mirror aren’t very flattering, are they? Nor is it flattering when Christ is reflected in the mirror of an unclean life.


Paul described Christlikeness as reflecting the glory of the Lord (see 2 Corinthians 3:18). You reflect Christ to a world in darkness.

Here’s how Albert Barnes describes the radiant Christian life.

“Christians should let their light shine. God has called them into his kingdom so that they may illustrate in their lives the nature of the gospel and show its value in purifying the soul and in sustaining it in the time of trial.

“The world is dependent upon Christians for a correct view of religion, and every day that a Christian lives he either honors or dishonors the gospel.

“Every word that is spoken, every expression of the eye, every cloud or beam of sunshine on his brow, will have some effect in doing this.

“A believer cannot live without making some impression upon the world around him, either favorable or unfavorable to the cause of his Redeemer.”

Take a bright light, reflect it off a surface, and what do you see? If the surface is dirty, the reflection will be dull. If the surface is uneven, the reflection will be fuzzy. And therein lies a parable of the Christian life.

You are called to be a light for the world, providing an accurate reflection of the light that is within you. Light that is clean (see 1 John 1:9), consistent (see Ephesians 5:8), inviting (see Luke 8:16).

You cannot live a day without making an impression—either a positive one or a negative one—on those around you. What needs to change for your life to become a clear reflection of the Savior you serve?

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